Buccleuch Labradors to Feature in Scottish Sporting Gazette

Journalist Will Pocklington who writes for Fieldsports Magazine and Scottish Sporting Gazette recently visited Buccleuch Gundogs at Chapel farm to spend some time interviewing David. This was to gather information for a feature he is writing on the History of Buccleuch Labradors which will be published in the Scottish Sporting Gazette which goes on sale on the 1st of August.

Will had enjoyed his visit and left with a great deal of information courtesy of David as well as a good number of photographs to accompany the article.

Our thanks to Will for sending copies of some of the photos taken during his visit including this one which we really liked.

Galloway Gundogs Auchenbrack Test Sunday 16th April

Although somewhat drizzly for a large part of the day, Chapel Farm sponsored Galloway Gundogs held a very successful test with the usual large entry at Auchenbrack on Easter Sunday.

There were 13 entries in the two puppy classes and 49 entries in the 4 main classes.

The judges were members John Lupton, William Peat and John Ferguson joined by field sporting journalist and author David Hudson. They had a difficult job but did it with smiles on their faces and good humour.

The winners were: Kath Parker – Retriever Puppy, J Pavelyn – Spaniel Puppy, David McMaster – Novice Spaniel, Cammy Watt – Novice Retriever, David Hamilton – Open Spaniel and Keith Brown – Open Retriever.

Highlights of the day were Lloyd Evans with Tam getting his highest ever score of 98 to come second in Novice Retrievers and Lindsay Kinnaird coming forth in the same class with her Flatcoat Retriever Tully and Keith Brown getting 100 in the Open Retrievers with Blondie.

Our congratulations and thanks to Chairman Cammy Watt firstly on his win and also for sending this report with a photo showing the prize-winners and judges.


First Test of the Season for Galloway Gundogs

Chapel Farm Sponsored Galloway Gundogs held their first test of the season recently at Spottes Estate, Haugh of Urr where wet and windy weather could not dampen the enthusiasm of the handlers and 58 dogs that competed on the day. Thanks to Chairman Cammy Watt for the photo of first and second in the Novice Retriever Class from an entry of 18, where both dogs were bred by Billy Steel Jnr with the same sire, F.T, Ch. Denbig Ace of Spades.

First with 2 ½ year old Broadlaw Janine “Jess” was John Clelland from Ayr. Second with 19 month old Broadlaw Pippa “Dusk” was Malcom Livesy from Mauchline.

Well done all who took part – full results of all classes are available on the Galloway Gundogs website: http://www.gallowaygundogs.co.uk/results/2017-results/

Silvafern Gundogs Join the Chapel Farm Team

New Stockists Aran and Gemma Wareing own Silvafern Gundogs which is a privately owned kennel based in Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire devoted to breeding and training Labradors and Cocker Spaniels for work in the shooting field. As always we were interested in why they decided to join the Chapel Farm Team.

“Dogs are our passion and an important part of our family. Since changing their food to Chapel Farm the dogs have thrived, coats now gleam like silk and eyes sparkle.  There has also been a very noticeable improvement in their stamina and concentration. Chapel Farm is the only food we feed and is the only one we recommend to our clients”. 

Thanks to Aran and Gemma for the profile and photo showing Aran with a few of their dogs. To contact Aran or Gemma, please phone 01885 410595 or 07947 443152

Say Hello to New North Oxfordshire Stockists Epwell Gundogs

Chris and Lin Iddon of Epwell Gundogs have been working and occasionally breeding spaniels for beating and picking up in the shooting field for over 14 years.

“Cockers are our real favourites but we do have a Sprocker and a Springer that each come with their own idiosyncrasies and skills. More recently we have added Labradors to our team (yep, it’s true, they really are born half-trained!).

Chris had his first working Labrador in 1971, but his working career put paid to any real gundog work until 2002.

In the meantime, we have owned and bred German Shepherds for over 30 years, taking them all-over Europe as we moved around with work. To this day there are always one or two around the house.

Since moving to Oxfordshire in 2001 we have been hooked by the country sports bug and now have 10 dogs of our own and a regular stream of lodgers, either from friends locally or occasional rescue and re-homing cases.

Our dogs are fed on Chapel Farm Premium Dog Food. We previously used a far more expensive, well known dry food and have been delighted with the results that Chapel Farm has brought to the team.  Their general condition and energy levels have been excellent during the working season (we have completed over 70 days in the 2016/7 season).

We are pleased to have been appointed as a stockist for Chapel Farm Premium Dog Food in and around North Oxfordshire. You can collect your order direct from us, or we can deliver free of charge to clients in a 10-mile radius of Epwell.

We can be contacted at:

Email: lin@fatspaniel.co.uk

Telephone: 01295 780 369”

We are delighted to welcome Chris and Lin to the Chapel Farm Team and wish them every success.

Feeding Chapel Farm Puppy/Junior Can Aid Training in Puppies

We are grateful to our friend Susan for sending this research piece below about the benefits of dietary DHA in puppy development that she discovered online. Chapel Farm Puppy/Junior is rich in DHA which is an Omega 3 Fatty Acid component of salmon oil. It has long been thought that Omega 3 increases intelligence and the research indicating increased learning and trainability would suggest that belief to be correct.

Kelley (2005) demonstrated that despite their level of immaturity, pups fed a diet enhanced with DHA showed significant increases in their levels of learning. Hoffman, Kelley, and Waltz, (2004) demonstrated that new-born puppies are susceptible to different levels of dietary DHA which affect their brain and eyes. Their study involved three colonies of bitches (a, ab, b) dietary DHA from proestrus until the puppies were weaned. Post-weaned puppies were fed the same diet as their dams. Using an experimental and control group, testing began at nine weeks of age. As shown in Figure 1, those fed the enhanced diet with DHA (group b) fed were found to be significantly more trainable than the control group (a). Similar findings have been reported in other species. Hamazaki, (1999) using mice, found that by varying the DHA dietary supplementation, stress-related behaviour responses (anxiety index) were lowered.

Source:  http://caninechronicle.com/featured/first-year-of-development/

Cited:  Administration of docosahexaenoic acid influences behaviour and plasma catecholamine levels at time of psychological stress. Lipids, 34, Suppl: S33-7. Hoffman, L., Kelley, R., Waltz, D., 2004. For smarter more trainable puppies: effect of docosahexaenoic acid on puppy trainability.

A New Beginning for Kennel-Man Scott

Scott our Kennel-Man at Chapel Farm Kennels is known and well-liked by many and it is with a degree of sadness that we announce he will shortly be leaving to start a new career as a Gamekeeper.

Scott has been a credit to the kennels and we are sorry to see him go however we are delighted for him to have this great opportunity to develop further the skills he has learned in his five years here and we know he is looking forward to this new challenge.

We expect Scott to do well in his new role and wish Him, Partner Alice and Son Isaac all the very best as they take this next step together.

Photo shows Scott and Ellie following their first Test success in 2014.

Scott will leave big boots to fill however if you think a position as Kennel Assistant at Chapel Farm could be of interest, find out more here (applications close 24th Feb): https://www.indeed.co.uk/viewjob?t=kennel+assistant&jk=4e886dfdfe775f26&_ga=1.31664062.1489837872.1476711441

Chapel Farm Sponsors Team England

The Home Nations Team Trial for Retrievers, held as part of Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday celebration, was held on the 28th of November at Windsor Great Park.

Chapel Farm was pleased to sponsor Team England which was made up of handlers from left to right: Claire Baker, John Halsted, Jennie Hankey and Mike Tallamy.

Well done Team on contributing to an excellent competition and our congratulations to the eventual winners Team Scotland.

Each member of the team also qualified for the 2016 IGL Retriever Championship held at the Ampton Shoot, Suffolk on the 6th, 7th and 8th of December where John and last year’s winner, FTCh Asterix Aguzannis of Chatsworth, were awarded an excellent third place.

Our thanks to Nina for sending the photo of Team England taken on the day of the Home Nations.

Success for Simon at Springer Spaniel Championship

We are delighted to learn that first place at this year’s ESS Championship was awarded to the Chapel Farm Sponsored team of Mr Simon Dixon and Rytex Reba. To round off a perfect day, following a run off, Simon was also awarded third place with FTCh Dawsonlee Heather,  in second – Mr L Cooper and FTCh Bishwell Black Magic of Breckmarsh, in fourth Mr C Morgan with Tailorswift Shadowland.

Well done to all who took part and contributed to an excellent Championship and huge congratulations to Simon, a fantastic result well deserved.

This latest result means that all sponsored gundog handlers are winners of their respective Championships which is a source of great pride for Chapel Farm and the team.

Photo taken at Chapel Farm Kennels during a visit last year.

Congratulations Jim on a Tremendous Achievement.

Every year our Stirling based stockist Jim Fleming of Top Dog Training arranges an awards evening. This year saw an excellent turn out to witness a good selection of awards being presented. Thanks to Jim, one of the awards was named the Chapel Farm Young Spaniel Handler Trophy. In addition to the presentations there was a raffle and huge tombola which raised £1700 in aid of Strathcarron Hospice and the PDSA. This is a truly fantastic achievement very well done to Jim and all who helped.

Thanks to Jim for providing the photo below of the Chapel Farm Trophy. There were a great many more pictures taken on the night, to view others please click the link http://www.aileenstewart.com/  then select, – Client Pages and Top Dog Training.

If you live in the Stirling area and want to contact Jim about Training or Chapel Farm please call on 07765 650833