A Fabulous Time at Crufts

Huge Congratulations to Buccleuch Chapel Farm sponsored Junior Handler Tallulah Dyson with her dog Willow, and younger sister Amelia with Fern on their achievements at Crufts.

Amelia was awarded 3rd in the Junior Handler Working Gundog Class with Tallulah coming home 5th.

In The Field Trial Bitch Class Tallulah was 2nd with Amelia 3rd.

In the Special Working Gundog Class Tallulah was 3rd and Amelia 4th

Amelia was also placed 5th in the Best Picking up Class.

Apart from the Junior Handler, all other classes competed in were Adult Classes.

Really well done girls, what a fantastic experience for you both and thanks to Dad Phil for providing the photos.

New Stockist for Dumfries and Galloway

Say hello to the newest members of the Chapel Farm Stockist Team. Gavin and Lisa Brough who have owned and run Crinan Boarding Kennels in Dalbeattie, Dumfriesshire for last 4½ years.

“We have both been involved with dogs most of our lives from Spaniels to Greyhounds to Smooth and Wire Haired Fox Terriers, Whippets and Bulldogs. We now breed and show Boxers and American Cocker Spaniels to a very successful level. Currently our Champion Boxer dog has 8 Champion Certificates and 18 Reserve Champion Certificates. 3 of his RCC’s were at Crufts in the last 3 years.                                                    We think Chapel Farm can offer us what we need to keep our dogs at the top of their game and give our boarding dogs a good balanced diet.”

Thanks to Gavin and Lisa for the profile and photo and well done on your show success. To speak to Gavin or Lisa about boarding or Chapel Farm please call on 01556 474559

All Chapel Farm Diets Now Available in Ireland.

Belfast based stockist Mark Brand’s dogs shown standing guard over his latest Chapel Farm delivery. Mark carries the full David Lisett developed Chapel Farm Dog Food range and has just launched a website allowing Irish customers to order and arrange delivery of Chapel Farm online at www.belfastdogfood.com

For those who prefer to order by phone, please give Mark a call on 07801 944500

Getting dog food into Ireland proved to be a complicated process post Brexit and we would like to take this opportunity to thank Mark for his endeavours and loyalty to Chapel Farm Dog Food. Without his efforts it would have been a much greater struggle.

Welcome to our Newest Stockist who is based in Perth

Chapel Farm is delighted to welcome Willy Spacey to the Team of Stockists. As usual we asked Willy what prompted him to become part of the team and he gives his reply below.

Based in Perthshire I have had Gundogs for many years. My wife Kathy exhibits Greyhounds and has made up two Show Champions. Our dogs are all fed and conditioned on Chapel Farm Dog Food. Having done research on the many complete dog foods on the market I came to the conclusion that Chapel Farm would meet my requirements. I am delighted with the condition of our dogs and can highly recommend Chapel Farm.

I currently stock Original 20, Performance 24 and Performance 24+ and can supply Puppy/Junior on request. Delivery available to Perth and surrounding area.

For more information contact Willy on 07881 101714 or email wspacey@hotmail.co.uk

Thanks to Willy for the above and for the photo of his dogs.

Chapel Farm Unavoidable Price Increase

We have experienced three major price increases in the last seven months. It would be easy to blame Covid and Brexit and while these have had an effect there are also additional Manufacturing and Transport costs.

To maintain the quality of Chapel Farm products we have no option but to increase prices across the range which will come into effect on the 1st of January 2022. We will continue to offer free delivery to most destinations on orders of two or more bags and hope you will agree that Chapel Farm continues to offer excellent value for money.

Chapel Farm Seasonal Deliveries.

As a thank you to all staff for the efforts made during the pandemic the Mill, Office and Dispatch Warehouse will close at mid-day on the 23rd of December and all orders placed after noon on the 23rd will be processed when we return on the 5th of January.

For those who obtain Chapel Farm from a stockist we would suggest you give them a call to find out their plans as possibly some may not always be available over the holiday period.

For clients who order via the Chapel Farm website or by phone, due to the seasonal rush and extra pressure on delivery companies as we approach Christmas, deliveries may take a little longer than usual and as such we would advise ordering as early as possible and before the 16th December to give a good chance of delivery before Christmas

On behalf of David Lisett and the Buccleuch Gundogs Chapel Farm Team, we thank you for your support and would like to take this opportunity to offer our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New-Year.

A Great Result for Team Chapel Farm

A great result for Team Chapel Farm and sponsored handlers Simon Dixon and Jon Bailey with a first, second, third yesterday at the Cheshire, North Wales and Shropshire Retriever and Spaniel Society, Open Springer Spaniel stake at Checkley Wood Shoot by kind permission of Ivor Beavis under judges Roy Ellershaw and Ian Bogacki. At the end of two rounds the following awards were made:

1st Simon Dixon and Dawsonlee Maddy – Making Maddy up to a Field Trial Champion.

2nd Simon Dixon and Dawsonlee Legolas

3rd Jon Bailey and Churchview Cortinio

COM Steve Blackwell and Broomfield Sarabi

Well done all and congratulations Simon on your new Champion.

Two Spaniel Championships for Jon Bailey

We are pleased to learn that Chapel Farm sponsored handler Jon Bailey has qualified for another Championship. This time the A/V Spaniel Championship beginning on the 20th of January, following the result of The Barton on Humber Open A/V Spaniel held at Houghton Shoot, Yorkshire where Jon and English Springer Spaniel Churchview Cortinio were awarded first place.

Earlier this season Jon qualified for the Cocker Spaniel Championships with his new Field Trial Champion Sandys Twinkle Toes.

Well done Jon and good luck at both Championships.

We have no photo of this latest win at the moment hence one from the archive.

Another Champion for Simon Dixon

We are very pleased to report that Chapel Farm Sponsored Simon Dixon has made up another Field Trial Champion.

This as a result of his win with Rytex Rapeds at the Lancashire & Merseyside A/V Open Spaniel (Ex Cocker) Stake held yesterday at Winster in Cumbria.

Simon advised that it was “a 5-star Trial”, thanks to all involved in making it so.

Congratulations Simon on this win and on making up another FTCh, and thanks also for the photo.