A Memorable Season For Sarah Miles

Many Congratulations to Chapel Farm Sponsored Handler Sarah Miles who had a fantastic 2023 season.

First of all with Texacali Praline of Meonvalley, in the photo, (Gracie, who is now FTCh subject to KC approval) who qualified for the Championship early in the season where they were awarded a magnificent fourth place. Gracie is fed on Chapel Farm and Sarah says that “Gracie is especially fond of the new Lamb” and that “her condition never wavered and she arrived at the Championship in excellent condition”.

Also competing was Gracie’s son Meonvalley Woodfield (Idris). “After being awarded three thirds in three trials he then won taking him from Novice to Open   He ran in one 2 day open and was one of two dogs left but sadly failed on his last retrieve. However he was awarded Guns Choice so still covered himself in glory. I am looking forward to running him next year. He has been fed on Chapel Farm since he was born. Starting with the Puppy food which I recommend strongly”.

Thanks very much for taking the time to write Sarah and also for the excellent photo, good luck in 2024.

Deliveries During the Christmas Period

Chapel Farm has received an email from dispatch regarding deliveries during the Christmas period.

They suggest that the last order date for delivery before the Christmas break will be Monday the 18th of December. However, just to be on the safe side may I suggest ordering earlier if possible as couriers do become very busy.

Orders placed between the 18th and midday on the 22nd will continue to be processed and it is possible that some will be delivered before Christmas.

Orders placed after mid-day on the 22nd will be processed when the office re-opens on the 3rd of January.

David and the Team would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your custom and offer you our Very Best Wishes for Christmas and the New year.

A New Champion for Simon

Many Congratulations to Chapel Farm sponsored handler Simon Dixon on his First place with English Springer Spaniel Dawsonlee Pepsi at the Scottish Gundog Association Open Stake held at Strathallen.

This win makes Pepsi up to a Field Trial Champion in her first season (subject to KC approval).

Simon asked to thank all involved in what had been an excellent trial. A great result Simon, very well done and best wishes for the Championship.

Great Result for David and Ellie

Northumberland and Durham LRC held their  final trial of the season, a 14 dog Novice Retriever  at the Kennel Club’s Emblehope and Burngrange Estate on the 28th October. Game Keeper, Raymond Holt and his team provided competitors with excellent ground

Many thanks to judges Irene Davison, Steve and Paula Cullis and Stewart North.

Thanks also to Anne Holt and all helpers this season, ending with a great trial. Congratulations to the winners below.

1st place, and Guns Choice was awarded to THE DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH ‘S Lab. Bitch BUCCLEUCH ENIGMA, handled by DAVID LISETT.

2nd place MARHYSTIN ELIJAH OF OAKSHOT. Lab Dog owned and handled by GRAHAM SLATER

3rd place to GUNNERSPEG EXCALIBUR OF CAYTONFELL. Lab Dog, owned and handled by MARK DEMAINE

4th place to GREENBRIAR KAISER OF ABERGOWAN. Lab Dog owned and handled by ALLY KENNEDY.

Thanks to everyone taking part for their support.

Championship Qualification for Alan and Bertie

Congratulations to Chapel Farm Dog Food Sponsored Handler Alan Sankey who with FTCh Brocklinton Bertie was awarded first place at The Highland Gundog Club Open A/V Spaniel Stake held at Pitmain Estate under judges Willie Edgar and Ian Blair.

1st – FTCh Brocklinton Bertie – Alan Sankey

2nd – FTCh Broomfield Eve – Eddie Scott

3rd – Saxondale Strider – Liam Quirk

4th – Rhanna Matchlock – Eddie Scott

C.O.M> Rogart Rubee – Bill Johnson

Congratulations to all in the awards and our best wishes to Alan at the Championship.

Top Result for Sponsored Handler Mark

Congratulations to Buccleuch Chapel Farm Dog Food Sponsored Handler Mark Demaine on his win at the Arfon Working Gundog Club 14 Dog A/V retriever Stake held at Bryn y Pys by kind permission of the Rosselli Family and Mr Tom Painter.

Judges were David Jackson, Victoria Stanley, Chris Kettle and Carole Clarke.

First- Mark Demaine with Drumindoney Last Chance of Caytonfell Lab D

Second- Christopher Pilkington with Gunnerspeg Delta Lab B

Third and Guns Choice – Brian Jones with Auchentore Bwyll Pendefig Lab D

With thanks to all helpers and those taking part.

Well done Mark and Best Wishes for the next.

A Great Result for Phil and Lee

Big congratulations from Chapel Farm Premium Dog Food to Phil Dyson & Chapel Farm sponsored handler Lee Hartis for their 1st & 2nd place awards in the Midland Counties Field Trial Society 24 Dog AV Retriever Open Qualifying Stake at Nevill Holt.

Our up and coming talented sponsored junior handlers Tallulah & Amelia Dyson will be very proud of their dad after teaching him so much during the summer months.

Two New Additions for Fraser

When Arisaig based Chapel Farm Stockist Fraser MacDougal was placing his latest order we spoke about his dogs including his two recent additions that Fraser hopes to Trial. Thanks for the photo Fraser, great looking dogs. Training is going well and fingers crossed for the future.

To speak to Fraser about Chapel Farm call 07795 988815 or to see his dogs in action he has many videos under the name  arisaiggundogs on TikTok

Such a Good Photo

Buccleuch Chapel Farm Kennels Assistant Ashlyn has been spending time helping with the training of young Labrador Buccleuch Harmony, “Jetta”. On this day she was involved with water retrieves. There happened to be a photographer present who was taking pictures of the dogs in action including this one of Jetta launching herself with some focus and determination.

It is such a good photo we felt we had to share.

Fabulous Results for Kathy and Peanut

Chapel Farm sponsored handler Kathy Spacey had a great time at Blackpool Championship Show with her youngster “Peanut” who was awarded: Best Puppy, Best Junior and Reserve Best Dog in Breed! He was then in the final 6 in the puppy group (all best hound pups) then Junior group 4. Kathy was delighted with the results and rightly so, and also delighted with how well he behaved.

Well done Kathy and Peanut, many congratulations and Best Wishes for the next.