The Spaniel Championship at Blenheim Palace

Best Wishes to all making the journey to Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire for this year’s AV Spaniel (excluding Cocker) Championship which begins tomorrow 15th January by kind permission of The Duke of Marlborough.
Chapel Farm is delighted to report that sponsored handlers Simon Dixon, Alan Sankey and Jon Bailey have between them qualified a remarkable eight Springer Spaniels for this year’s event all of which are fed on Chapel Farm Performance 24+.

Hoping all who attend have an enjoyable time and wishing Good Luck to all competitors.

Christmas Wishes and a Happy New Year

While website orders will be dealt with automatically Chapel Farm office will now be closed over the festive period and will re-open on the third of January.
On behalf of David and the Team at Chapel Farm I would like to thank you for your support and to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous 2020.

Photo shows a view taken towards the village of Durisdeer on the way to Chapel Farm.

A Brilliant Effort by Stirling’s Jim Fleming

Stirling based Chapel Farm Stockist Jim Fleming runs “Top Dog Training” and “Saltire Gundogs” and as can be seen from the photo these training groups are very popular.
Each year Jim arranges a handler’s awards night held in the Albert Halls, Stirling. This is very much a social event where prizes are distributed and there tombolas and raffles etc. to raise funds for local charities. This year over £2000 was raised on the night which will be shared by Strathcarron Hospice and the PDSA. Jim puts a lot of work into this and we sincerely applaud his efforts. Well done Jim and thanks for allowing us to use this photo from the night showing the prize-winners.
If you would like to speak with Jim about dog training or Chapel Farm please give him a call on 07765 650833.


Chapel Farm sponsored Simon Dixon is having a fabulous Trialling season as he has to date won nine of the Trials he has entered and as a result has qualified a magnificent five English Springer Spaniels to compete at the AV Spaniel Championship being held at Blenheim Palace on the 15th, 16th and 17th of January 2020.

In addition, this year also saw Dawsonlee Karlos made up to a Field Trial Champion by winning his second Open Stake a week after qualifying for the Championship by winning his first.

The dogs Simon has qualified, which are all fed on Chapel Farm Performance 24+, are FTCH Dawsonlee Jellybean, FTCH Dawsonlee Karlos, Dawsonlee Karissma, Dawsonlee Legacy and Dawsonlee Legolas.

Qualifying five dogs for the Championship in one season is a truly fantastic achievement and we congratulate Simon on his success to date and offer our very best wishes for Blenheim.

Photo shows Simon with Dawsonlee Legacy following a win earlier in the season.

Chapel Farm Seasonal Availability and Deliveries.

For those who obtain Chapel Farm from a stockist we would suggest you give them a call to find out their plans as possibly some may not always be available over the holiday period.

For clients who order via the Chapel Farm website or by phone, due to the seasonal rush and extra pressure on delivery companies we anticipate that, even without snow, as we approach Christmas deliveries may take a little longer than usual and as such we would advise ordering as early as possible and ideally before the 16th. Orders taken after that date will be processed as normal and it is possible that some of these may be delivered before Christmas also.

Chapel Farm office will close at mid-day on December 24 and re-open on January 3. Although the office will be closed, website orders will be processed automatically during this period, except on the public holidays.                                                                                                  

On behalf of David Lisett and the Buccleuch Gundogs Chapel Farm Team, we thank you for your support and would like to take this opportunity to offer our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New-Year.

More Good News for the Chapel Farm Team of Sponsored Handlers.

North West Labrador Retriever Club held their 24-dog 2-day Open Qualifying Stake at Hy Fly on 11/12 November under the watchful eyes of judges John W Halsted, Mike Rolland, Lee Hartis and David Logan with Head Keeper Kevin Hughes.

The weather had proved awkward at times, especially with the strong wind on the first day but at the close of the second day Mike Jones and Ffynongain Buzzard of Wauniago, BUZZ were announced as winners.

We are delighted for Mike on this fantastic result and offer our best wishes for good luck at the 3-Day Championship being held at Glenalmond beginning on the 25th of November.

Our Thanks to Client Ella S for This Feedback

“I am writing to say how pleased I am with your dog food. I have 2 working dogs of my own, a Labrador and a young cocker spaniel. At present the cocker is still on your puppy/junior food and my lab is on the performance 24. Both my dogs look very fit and healthy on it and they keep good condition all year round. I have recently turned my boyfriend onto your food for his trialling Clumber spaniel and young Labrador. He too is very impressed with the standard of food. His clumber spaniel is on the performance 24+ and runs really well, he’s building muscle and has kept really good condition over the winter months while working. Their previous food started not to agree with them. I switched mine straight onto your food and they have been happy and healthy ever since.

As Gamekeeping students our dogs are essential for our line of work and so we want to keep them in the best condition possible and the key to this is good food. I don’t feed anything else with the food, as they seem to get everything they need from it. I am very impressed with the quality of food, convenience of delivery and brilliant customer service I always receive. Attached is a photo of my boyfriend’s 2 year old clumber and lab pup and my cocker pup looking pleased with their freshly delivered food, unfortunately my 6 year old lab is at home recovering from a barbed wire injury so is not in the photo but all 4 dogs are very happy and healthy on your food”. 

We are most grateful to Ella for taking the time to write and thank her also for sending the photo, we wish for a speedy recovery for her injured Lab.

A Gentle Reminder, Don’t Leave it Too Late.

David’s Spaniel training DVD’s remain popular all year round but we always see an increase in demand at this time of year possibly due to some finding their way under the Christmas tree as they do make an ideal gift for the gundog handler.

If you are considering making a purchase could we kindly ask that you order as early as possible. Especially so for those destined overseas as the last posting date for Airmail pre-Christmas Delivery, depending on destination, can be earlier than expected.

To find out more about the DVD’s in the series including a trailer and link to our Ebay shop please visit

David and Ozzie Qualify for Cocker Championship

Heolybwlch Goose of Buccleuch, “Ozzie” handled by Buccleuch Gundogs Manager, David Lisett entered his first trial three weeks ago. It was an Open Cocker Stake held at Invermark, organised by The North of Scotland Gundog Association. Despite his lack of experience, Ozzie performed very well and achieved an excellent Third Place.

On Saturday, in only his third trial, Ozzie and David enjoyed good fortune and were announced as the winners of the Scottish Gundog Association Open Cocker Stake held at Auchleish.

This is fantastic news for Chapel Farm Kennels as this win qualifies David and Ozzie to compete at the Cocker Spaniel Championship which will be held at Faccombe Estate on the third and fourth of January.

Great Result for Lee Hartis and Chapel Farm

Chapel Farm sponsored gundog handler Lee Hartis has enjoyed his second win in a week.

His first was with Troddenmills full throttle of Leacaz, “Todd” at the Yorkshire Field Trial Society 2-day Open Stake held at Ripley Castle. This win qualified Lee and Todd to compete at the IGL Retriever Championship, a 3-day event which will take place this year at Glenalmond at the end of November.

Yesterday’s success was at the Gamekeepers 2-day Open Stake at Emblehope, again with “Todd”, with this win making Todd into a Field Trial Champion.

Many Congratulations Lee and Good Luck at the Championship.