An Excellent Galloway Country Fair

Thanks to all who attended Galloway Country Fair at the weekend and visited the Chapel Farm marquee. It was really good to see so many old friends and to make quite a few new ones.
The weather on Saturday was very pleasant and while the forecast for Sunday may not have been so good, the weather was in fact very kind and the rain was nowhere near as bad as expected. Even when we had a shower it could not dampen the spirits of those in attendance.
The main ring entertainment was excellent, well done to all who took part in the various displays. Our thanks go especially to Chapel Farm sponsored Lee Hartis who gave this year’s gundog demonstrations following which he was happy to answer any training queries from audience members. This was Lee’s first time in front of an audience, he did a grand job and we hope we are able to entice him back in the future.

We offer thanks to all those involved in creating the Fair and we look forward to seeing you there next year.
To keep up to date and plan your visit, check out the GCF website from time to time

Photo shows Scurry competitors waiting their turn. To see more images from the Fair please visit our Facebook page.